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Completed Projects
Prospects for the US economy in the context of macroeconomic imbalances and implications for the global economy, including the Russian economy (Moscow Exchange, April-May 2024)
Analysis of international approaches and current practices of information disclosure on corporate volunteering programs: proposal development for the Russian market (National Council on Corporate Volunteering, December 2023 - April 2024)
Rendering expert services for the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (January 2022 - December 2023)
Expert support for the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in the implementation of activities of the state program of the Russian Federation “Information Society” (March 2022 - December 2023)
Rendering services on expert review of the outcome of execution of the state contract signed for the development of the Unified state information system for urban planning (GISOGD) of the Russian Federation (October 2023-December 2023)
Expert and analytical support for comprehensive analysis of information systems of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the purpose of issuing an expert opinion on the feasibility of further operation of information systems .
Scenario analysis of changes in excise taxation of alcoholic beverages in Russia (Union of Russian Brewers, February 2022 - March 2023)
Analysis of the impact on business and consumers of the implementation of the Public Not-for-Profit Organization Russian Environmental Operator proposals to introduce bans on certain types of goods and single-use packaging.
Provision of expert analytical services to ensure comprehensive review of goods supplied, work performed, and services rendered in the field of ICT in terms of their compliance with the terms and conditions of contracts (April 2022-December 2022)
Rendering of consulting services on “Research of digital ecosystems in the Russian economy” (January-June 2022)
Study of the use of cloud services in Gosoblako and Gostech projects (Yandex LLC, January-March 2022)
Better regulation and taxation of heated tobacco products, electronic nicotine delivery systems and non-tobacco nicotine-containing products for oral consumption (JSC MUMT, September-December 2021)
Expert support for the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in the implementation of activities within the state program "Information Society" (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, June 2020 - December 2021)
Expert and analytical services for a wide-range analysis of delivered goods, works done, rendered services in the field of information and communication technologies in terms of their compliance with terms and conditions of contracts
Assessment of competitiveness of certain sectors of the Moscow economy after the coronavirus pandemic (Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Analytical Center”, January-July 2021)
Services to develop regulation of the web advertising market in the Russian Federation (YANDEX LLC, March-June 2021)
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